Sunday, 2 April 2006

Varsity Football at Craven Cottage

Mother's Day is always a tricky one, especially as I live so far away from my mum. I agreed with her that we'd postpone Mother's Day by a week, as she and Graham were going to visit us in London, and I planned to take her out for a nice lunch at a pub. However, looking on the Fulham FC website I soon discovered that on the Sunday I'd planned to take her for lunch, it was the Boat Race. And, even better, Fulham were letting you watch it from Craven Cottage.

It was almost too good to be true, but it got better. Preceding the Boat Race we got to watch the Varsity football match as well! All for a tenner! Get in! Sadly, Cambridge lost the Boat Race...but at least we won Goldie/Isis and beat Oxford 1-0 in the footie. So, two out of three isn't bad.

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